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  • Group 8567
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  • Group 8568

About Plotwist

Paving the way for women of color in STEM Education

 Achieving Equal Opportunity and Social Justice must address the current literacy proficiency disparity for Girls of Color in underserved communities, ages 7-14, between non-ethnic students and change the educational trajectory toward Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.) for this group of students.  Exploring new approaches to improving literacy proficiency through literature, innovative, technologically, culturally designed tools and training, and mentorship programs would spark academic improvements for Girls of Color in the public-school system.

            The advantage of the proposed innovative tool addresses the cultural contributions omissions to history in today's school curriculums. Children would be excited to read and learn about the origins of Science, Medicine, Engineering, and mathematics to their heritage through technology.  This application empowers our children and reflects a positive view of themselves. Specifically, girls of color will be proud of their culture and directly connect to their ancestors who change the world. Children are curious about the truth and want the truth. S.T.E.M. professions will spark pride and STEMulate her mind.  Gathering forward thinkers and specialists in technology and education will be the core game-changers. Administrators, teachers, and the community who want and demand change in the school system will embrace the innovative application.

The innovation is entitled Plotwist, with a tagline of STEMulate Her Mind. The mission of Plotwist is to provide educational tools to advance literacy proficiency and connect African American girls to their African roots to S.T.E.M. studies. The Augmented Reality reading program and application for Girls of Color aims to improve their literacy proficiency through visual expression, melodic components, positive symbolism, and meaningful S.T.E.M. courses rooted in cultural content and interactive lessons and activities. The innovation will assist teachers and administrators in enhancing their teaching styles to inspire all students, particularly students of color understand, explore, and participate in S.T.E.M. studies.


The expected outcomes are to 1) improve reading proficiency; 2) increase knowledge of S.T.E.M. studies; 3) improve test scores; 4) additional tools for teachers; and 4) increase enrollment in S.T.E.M. for girls of color.

Plotwist will work because of its technological uniqueness and culturally focused subject matter, creating excitement and enjoyment for the student.  Plotwist provides a dual dimensional way of showcasing information vs. the customary manner.  Engagement and interaction would improve the student's overall class experience and performance.  Of course, it could enhance the student's aptitude to recall what they have studied, which will force them to the quicker attainment of material and proficiencies. Children thrive in classrooms if the teaching tools utilize digital items within the subject matter, leading to more exploration. More time is spent learning S.T.E.M. curricular subjects while using less time on how to use new technology. The strategy is to have public-school administrators embrace the application and program as part of their teaching curriculum for early literacy lessons. - 2022-09-27T101341.385.webp - 2022-09-27T094810.616.webp


Find collectables throughout the Augmented Reality experience and discover some amazing collectibles. - 2022-09-27T101341.385.webp - 2022-09-27T101341.385.webp


Shine bright like the star you are! You’ll find some STEM quiz questions throughout your reading. - 2022-09-27T095549.773.webp - 2022-09-27T095635.404.webp - 2022-09-27T095819.633.webp

Shop Items

That’s right! You can buy collectibles and some amazing wearables directly from the Rozzy store! - 2022-09-27T100306.035.webp


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How itworks - 2022-09-27T101341.385.webp - 2022-09-27T101341.385.webp

How It Works

Launch the app

Go to your Apple App store and download the Plotwist Application. - 2022-09-27T103532.199.webp - 2022-09-27T104142.125.webp - 2022-09-27T104249.768.webp

Use the AR camera

After you open the reading application, click on the camera tab at the bottom of page. Once the camera appears, place your device over the artwork and the augmented reality characters come to life!


Along your reading journey you will discover collectables, multiple choice questions to test your knowledge, as well as a shop to purchase your Plotwist STEM merchandise. - 2022-09-27T110005.352.webp - 2022-09-27T114058.286.webp
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  • Group 8569
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